iOS 15 Compatibility: There is a bug in Shortcuts on iOS 15 that prevents syncing of your shortcut library from the Shortcuts to MFC Deck. Until this bug is resolved by Apple (FB9585913), MFC Deck will be unavailable to download from the App Store.

Health Deck

This shortcut creates a deck called Health and the following cards:

Running Health Deck

Download and run the Health Deck shortcut. It will automatically create a new deck named Health in MFC Deck and populate it with the default cards listed above.

Health Deck

Subsequent running of the shortcut will update the cards with the latest information.

You can use Personal Automations to periodically update this information throughout the day (e.g. morning, afternoon, and evening). Or, you can update the shortcut on-demand by tapping on it from the Shortcuts app.

Open MFC Deck to the Health deck to view the results.

Customizing Your Health Deck

If you want to change what information is displayed in the cards or add new cards to your Health Deck, follow these steps:

Update the Cards Dictionary

The Cards dictionary holds information about each card display. Add a new Dictionary element with the following information:

Continue adding dictionary values for additional data points you wish to receive. Then, continue to the Adding Actions for Each Data Point section.

This example shows the Cards dictionary that come by default with the Health Deck shortcut.

  "Weight": {
    "Color": "Light Blue",
    "Card": "Weight",
    "Icon": "speedometer"
  "Active Energy": {
    "Color": "Orange",
    "Card": "Active Energy",
    "Icon": "bolt"
  "Distance": {
    "Color": "Green",
    "Card": "Distance",
    "Icon": "mappin"
  "VO2max": {
    "Color": "Pink",
    "Card": "VO2max",
    "Icon": ""
  "Heart Rate": {
    "Color": "Red",
    "Card": "Heart Rate",
    "Icon": "heart"
  "Steps": {
    "Color": "Purple",
    "Card": "Steps",
    "Icon": ""

Updating the Cards dictionary for additional data points.

Adding Actions for Each Data Point

Next, you must update the shortcut so you are pulling the correct information from the Health app and sending that information to MFC Deck.

Scroll down to the end of the shortcut until you see a comment with the text End and follow these directions:

  1. Add an If action where the Comment block is.
  2. Move the Comment block to the If action’s Otherwise block.
  3. Add a Comment action describing what data point you are pulling.
  4. Set the Data Point Name variable as the input to the If action.
  5. Tap Condition in the If action and choose Is. If necessary, set the type of the Data Point Name to Text.
  6. Enter the Key for the data point you wish to extract.
  7. Add a Find Health Sample action inside the If action block and configure the action to retrieve the information you desire.
  8. Add additional actions to calculate the average, median, or sum of the values, as well as actions to round the number.
  9. Add another If action to check if the result has a value. If the result does not have a value, we skip over the action and prevent an error from being displayed.
  10. Add a Set Dictionary Value action.
  11. Set the Key to be Value.
  12. Set the Value to be the computed result in Step 8 or 9.
  13. Set the Dictionary to the Info variable.
  14. Add a Run Shortcut action.
  15. Set the Shortcut value to the Prefs dictionary with the key set to Shortcut Name.
  16. Repeat these steps for additional data points you want to display.

Adding the actions to retrieve the data points.

MFC Deck Shortcuts Gallery