iOS 15 Compatibility: There is a bug in Shortcuts on iOS 15 that prevents syncing of your shortcut library from the Shortcuts to MFC Deck. Until this bug is resolved by Apple (FB9585913), MFC Deck will be unavailable to download from the App Store.


This shortcut creates several decks for use with the following automatic Personal Automation triggers:

The triggers can be set to run automatically without requiring user confirmation.

Two techniques are common when creating personal automations:

  1. Add add actions within the trigger itself.
  2. Have the trigger run a shortcut.

While you can add your own actions in the Personal Automation section, there are some limitations and things you should know about:

MFC Deck enhances the Personal Automation workflow by:

NOTE: If you want to use NFC Tag automations, read the section on NFC Tags in the MFC Deck documentation.

Table of Contents

System Requirements


Launching the shortcut will display the following menu:

Create Decks

Choosing this option will now prompt you if you want to make these decks children of an existing deck.

Next, a menu will be displayed to choose which decks to be created. The name of each deck will be used when you create the Personal Automations in the next section.

Create Personal Automations

Next, we will create a personal automation to run all of a deck’s cards automatically without any user intervention.

As an example, we will create a personal automation that runs whenever Low Power Mode is turned on. It will call the MFC Deck Autocuts shortcut with the Low Power Mode On Text action as its input.

  1. Open Shortcuts.
  2. Tap Automation.
  3. Tap the + button.
  4. Tap Create Personal Automation.
  5. Tap Low Power Mode.
  6. Tap Is Turned On.
  7. Tap Choose to bring up the list of apps.
  8. Tap Next.
  9. Add a Text action.
  10. Enter the Low Power Mode On in the Text action.
  11. Add a Run Shortcut action.
  12. Set MFC Deck Autocuts as the shortcut to run.
  13. Confirm that the text action is being used as the input to the Run Shortcut action.
  14. Tap Next.
  15. Disable Ask Before Running. Tap Don’t Ask in the confirmation dialog that appears.
  16. Tap Done.
  17. Repeat steps 3-16 with the other triggers you created decks for.

Creating a personal automation for Low Power Mode #1

Creating a personal automation for Low Power Mode #2


When you trigger any of the automations that you created earlier, the following things will occur:

  1. A notification banner will appear saying “Running your automations.”
  2. MFC Deck Autocuts will retrieve all the cards in the selected deck.
  3. Only those cards that are not hidden and have the Allow Automatic Running toggle enabled will be processed.
  4. The Availability settings will be evaluated for each card.
  5. If the card passes the availability test, its action (e.g. shortcut) will be run in the background.
  6. The remaining cards will be evaluated in the order they appear in the deck until all the cards have been processed.

Controlling When and How Often Shortcuts Run

By setting the Availability settings for each card, you can control how often your shortcuts run. This is useful when you do not want your shortcuts to run every single time your personal automation runs.

You can configure the following Availability settings when editing a card:

Configuring the schedule

Configuring the rate limiting settings

NOTE: Being able to set the Availability settings for cards is an MFC Deck Premium feature.


Here are some examples of how you can use MFC Deck, MFC Deck Autocuts, Automation Deck Generator, and Personal Automations:

Airplane Mode Off

Airplane Mode On

Alarm Wake Up Snoozed

Alarm Wake Up Stopped

Battery 50%

Battery 80%

Bedtime Begins

CarPlay Connected

When your device connects to CarPlay, you can run the following shortcuts:

CarPlay Disconnected

Do Not Disturb Off

Do Not Disturb On

Whenever Do Not Disturb is turned off, you could run shortcuts that do the following:

Low Power Mode Off

Whenever Low Power Mode is disabled, you could run shortcuts that do the following:

Low Power Mode On

Whenever Low Power Mode is enabled, you could run shortcuts that do the following to further reduce energy usage on your iOS device.

Power Connected

Power Disconnected


On weekdays, you want your morning routine to be displayed but not on weekends. On Sunday, you want to see the schedule for the upcoming slate of football games to.


Waking Up

Wind Down Begins

Workout Ended

Workout Started

MFC Deck Shortcuts Gallery